Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday Feb 24

It's raining & wet outside, so I have bagged running for today. I am not sure when I'll get over the soaking rain run hump, but hopefully I'll push through this yet other hurdle soon.

The running route has increased to 4 1/2 miles. The first attempt was not that great with time. I walked quite a bit causing my time to swell to 50 minutes. Why is this so difficult! It's just another mile.
The second and third attempt did give me a better overall time, I actually did the entire 4 1/2 mile run in 40 minutes. I thought this was pretty good, until I got home and my bubble was burst with my daughter saying that a mile should be done in 4 1/2 minutes. Seriously, 4 1/2 minutes for one mile, that means the whole trek should be done in 17 minutes? Oh good lord.....

Swimming is easier and the goggles have helped so much. I am still pulling 44 laps with the breast stroke though. Have not gotten the crawl down with the ear plugs that do not work. I can not have water sloshing in my ears every time I come up for air.

New ear plugs and another try this Thursday with 64 laps doing the crawl.

Stopped drinking wine & beer seven days ago. I thought for sure I'd shed some weight by eliminating the booze, but no, not at all. Must be all that good home cooking!

This weekend I am going to have the mountain bike tuned up and plan on hitting pavement. Of course, providing that there isn't rain in the forecast.

I am looking forward to March which has 4 1/2 weeks of training time. We'll see what Thursday and this weekend brings.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Feb 12

Yesterday was a great day, I swam 40 laps in 28 minutes and ran 3 1/2 miles in 29 minutes. Not back to back yet!
The running is getting easier, well, not the down hill running, I prefer the up hill running. Luckily my hood has some decent hills around for me to battle.

I plotted out my spring training routine when the water gets warmer.
Run 2 miles to my swimming spot, swim 1 mile in current waters, run 2 miles back home and finish off with a 25 mile bike trek. If this does not whip my butt in shape, I don't know what will!

Today is a rest day, even though I am itching to run with this sunny weather, maybe I'll cruise around on my bike this afternoon.
It's been a week into my training and I am amazed at how much energy I have. I wonder if this is the start of the beginning? I often think of those folks competing in an Iron man event, wondering if I will be there at some point. The physical routine is hammering out to be not that bad, as for the nutritional diet I should be following, this is a bummer. I love food, the sweeter the better, risotto with butter, marinated meats...
why did my husband decide to become this fabulous chef at this time in my life?

The smells in my kitchen are to die for, Steve is cooking up meals that are comparable to a Four Star Resort.. Chicken Marbella, Risotto.. Why are sauces so delicious? The diet will be the most difficult part of this training.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday February 10

Last Saturday, Feb 6, I took a break and didn't run at all, It felt good!
Sunday I was back on track, 3 miles 29 minutes, this was after my SPINNING & Pilates Mat class.

Monday I never made it to Stability ball class, but did run 3 miles again at 28 minutes, my best time yet. I also had a great Zumba class that I taught that evening.

Tuesday, another 3 mile run with a time back at 29 minutes. I could feel my body screaming for a break.

Now it is Wednesday, I did not run, but walked a brisk 3 miles in 54 minutes. It felt great not having to teach any classes due to a snow day that never delivered any snow.
While the rest of the East Coast and Mid Atlantic got covered with record breaking white stuff, Cape Cod had barely received one inch by the evening.

I highly doubt that we will have another snow day again tomorrow, so that means teaching two classes back to back and then swimming laps in the pool. I still have not purchased swim goggles which means more of the breast stroke. my goal is 40 laps

A most helpful web sight suggested by a high school running mate is The info here has brought to light that I seriously need to run every other day and not everyday. So with this new thought in mind, Tomorrow I will be back on the road. I am anxious to see what the six week mark of running will bring, according to all of my reading up on this topic, this is where the magic begins. I will no longer be considered a newb, time will tell.

A good nights rest after some serious stretching tonight will be most welcomed.
We will see what mother Nature dumps on us through the sleeping hours... I already have decided that I am not going to run in the snow. Luckily I have a SPINNING bike and Pilates reformer, along with a bosu & gliding disks to give myself s decent workout if mother nature doesn't cooperate. So here's to tomorrow...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Vote Balanced 4 Fitness Training & Pilates

If you want to support Balanced 4 Fitness business,
please Vote for Me
Thank You

Video of Pilates Reformer Training
at Balanced 4Fitness Studio

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday February 5, 2010

Well, I did accomplish what I set out to do yesterday which was Swim & Run.
I managed to run three miles in 30 minutes in which during this run I had a life changing eye opener. It was the first time in my 46 years of life that i got to experience "This runners high" everyone always speaks of.
It was amazing, after running about 15 minutes or so, I felt nothing in my lower body.
My legs were just moving in auto mode with no pain at all. My breathing was in it's happy mode, cadence was constant with a heart rate of 80%
I felt as if I could have kept going despite the fact that it was getting dark with a chilling 26*
I knew better though, and headed home knowing I'd be feeling pain this morning.
Much to my surprise, my legs feel fine, It's my shoulders that are letting me know they got worked from the Breast stroke.

I can see myself completing this event with no problem. My goal is to have a time of 45 minutes for all three events. I will have to work very hard on the transitions from water to bike to running.

Today after I have completed my Client Training & Classes, I am going to plot out a 4 mile route and see how I do for time. I probably would have never embarked on this challenge if I had not watched two movies that had a profound effect on me. The first movie is called "The Secret" I had most of those beliefs and tried to practice most of what was said in this film. My downfall was harboring negative feelings towards people that have been not so nice to myself & others. I decided to let those feelings go. Miserable, negative people will always be miserable.

The second movie was "Fight Club" it sounds crazy, but I think that everyone has multiple personalities and we decide which one to come out depending on whom we are surrounded by. So, I have pulled out my competitive Athletic force.

Luckily I have excellent Genes, My Birthfather, whom my mother divorced when I was 3 years old, was a fantastic down hill skier. He won lots of metals and qualified for the 1976 Olympics. Michael didn't win any Olympic metals, but just the fact that he got there is something. To go back a bit further, my grandfather George ( Michael's Dad) also was in the Olympics for down hill skiing, he placed 7th or 11th in the 1956 Olympics. I think that's why George pushed Michael so hard, he wanted his son to get the metal he didn't win, but oh, he was so close!

I am just looking to get through this Triathlon event with a top five time for now.
Lots of hard work ahead.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

August 2009 Nauset Beach

This picture was taken on Nauset inlet August 2009

Training starts today

Today is Thursday February 4, 2010

I have agreed to participate in a Triathlon event in Boston the July 2010.
Why did I agree to take this challenge? Because I am always up for a challenge. The harder the challenge the better.

I have never done anything like this before, so It will be an eye opener for sure. Mentally, I have been prepping myself since last November.

The Biking should come easy since I am a cyclist and SPIN regularly, as for the swimming, well, I have never swam for a 1/2 mile straight with out a break at full steam. I do feel confident though that I will have no problem here since I use to be on the swim team and have numerous winning ribbons.
I Just need to stay focussed and go forward. Today I swam 15 laps with a pitiful time of 20 minutes. I need to shave down this time to 15 or less and get 22 full laps in.

The Running part of the event will prove to be most challenging for me since I am not a runner. I know it is a mental thing that I need to get over.
It is just so unpleasant and everything hurts.

This Past Monday I decided to wear my Ipod for the run. I have no idea why I did not think of this before. Music is a Godsend and I was able to pull of three miles in 36 minutes. This is a rather pitiful time in general, but for me it was quite an accomplishment. My goal is to shave the time down to 15-20 minutes.

My ultimate goal is to do the entire event which includes a 1/2 mile swim, 15 mile bike ride and 3 1/2 mile run in under an hour. I checked last years results and the winning time was 48 minutes. A big goal, but I can do it.

My eating habits have been rather good, but not perfect. I have this love with cheese, Wine and chocolate. Currently my weight is about 128 pounds. with a body fat percentage of 22% (It's that cheese & chocolate thing)
During my Body building competition my weight got down to 112 and Body Fat percentage was a healthy 11%

So My plan is this, Attend Tricia's Body Ball class 1-2 times a week, attend Yoga one a week, swim 30 laps once a week till the weather gets decent and then swim daily. Run every other day starting with 3 1/2 miles. Lay off the chocolate and cheese, and as hard as it will be, cut down on my wine consumption.

I just ordered another Revmaster pro bike so that I can participate in the SPINNING classes that I teach. The Bike should be here in 4 weeks.

Ok, so here I am, Obligated to train and get through this event. Game on!